K-Pop Lyrics & Album Art Contest Awards Ceremony

We are excited to officially present the winners of the K-Pop Lyrics and Album Art contest!
The Contest guest judges and the Head of the School of the Art at York St John University Robert Wilsmore were all very impressed with the participants' submissions and love for Korea, see their short video message here.

Special Judges:
- Singer-songwriter Hareem (YouTube, Facebook)
Debuted in 1996 as a member of the group 'Ven'. In 2001, Hareem released his first Solo Album [Split Personality]. His second album [Whistle In A Maze] was released three years later in 2004. Some of Hareem’s popular songs are 'Departure', 'Love Forgotten By Another Love', and 'Incurable Disease'. He has presented world music performances based on his years of travel, and communicated in various ways through music plays such as 'The Gypsy's Table' and 'The Africa' and so on. He recently received a great response for touching with sincere performances and songs in JTBC 'Begin Again'. - Songwriter and pansori singer Ko Yeong Yeol
JTBC 'Phantom Singer' second place
KBS 'Immortal Songs' first place
MBC 'King of Masked Singer' - Illustrator Wheelee
Artbook, 'Going out without Permission'
Picture essay book, 'Everyone has a garden'
Advertisements, album covers, publications and more. - Dr Robert Wilsmore, Head of the School of the Arts, York St John University
We would like to thank everyone who showed interest and participated in this contest, we received many strong applications, and the judges had a difficult task of deciding the winners. But they eventually came to the following conclusion:
- Lyric Category's winner is: Amber S
- Artwork Category's winner is: Juhara A
We would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations to both winners. Your work was truly excellent!
Korean professional vocalists and a group of York St John University students, "U8Kandy" recorded a song using the winner's lyrics. The song released as a single album - with the winning album design on the cover. Winners were officially presented at the Yor-K festival in York Theatre Royal on Saturday 17 July 2021, and U8Kandy performed the song for the first time in York Theatre Royal.

Find the song released as a single album - with the winning album design on the cover.

Special thanks to:
- School of Education, Language and Psychology in York St John University
- Nomad Music
Find out more about K-Pop Lyrics & Album Artwork Contest

2021 K-Pop Lyrics & Album Artwork Contest