Korean Language Course 2021

Application window is now open
The Korean language course, the King Sejong Institute, at the KCCUK is a social education course that not only teaches the Korean language but also introduces Korean culture to students. The course includes a wider introduction to all aspects of Korean Culture through language. Upon completing the course students will be able to express themselves in Korean on a vast range of topics.
Each course lasts 3 terms and takes 1 year to complete. For 2021, we are offering the entire course online and so applications are open to anyone from within the United Kingdom. For students of the higher levels, we ask you to take a brief level test (Reading, Writing and Speaking) in order to confirm that you are suitable for the level you have applied for.
Application Procedure
Application Period: 8 Dec-28 Dec 2020
Application forms received outside the application window will not be accepted.
How to apply:
Fill in your application form here. Once the application window has been closed our computer software will select at random the successful applicants first and then a waiting list, the names of which will be posted on our website and contacted by email with further details. Should any applicants cancel, their place will be offered to the first person on the waiting list and so on.
- Student Selection Announcement: 30 Dec 2020
- Number of places available
- Beginners (Wed, Sat) 20/class
- Pre-intermediate (Tue, Fri) 20/class
- Intermediate (Sat) 20
- Advanced (Thur) 20
Timetable for 2021
Term 1
Term 2
Courses will start from mid/end of April
Term 3
Courses will start from mid of September
* Timetables above may be subject to change.
- Application Qualifications
- Everyone who is interested in learning Korean and over 18 years old.
- As the course fee is subsidised, we cannot accept applications from those who have dropped out before.
- Please note that the intermediate and advance classes require certification of completion of previous levels or equivalent experience.
- Class location
- Online platform
Courses Books
- Beginner: Sejong Korean 1
- Pre-intermediate: Sejong Korean 2
- Intermediate: Sejong Korean 3
- Advanced: Sejong Korean 4
Course Fee
£50 per term
Payment details will be given to those students offered places on the course.
The fee is not refundable after Week 2 of the course.
Contact details
Korean Cultural Centre UK
Tel. 020 7004 2600
Email: info@kccuk.org.uk
Website: www.kccuk.org.uk