
An outdoor puppet performance about the things and people gone and abandoned
An outdoor performance about discarded people and objects, Klaxon is a solo performance from an elderly puppet approaching the end of her life. Alone and forgotten, she tries to find a way to become useful once more. She pulls a mask from a trash can, wears the mask backwards, and plays with a baby doll as though remembering a child from her past. But she tries to interact, the forgotten things she pulls from a rubbsih bin that can’t make the child respond, and her efforts explode in a shower of glitter. As she departs, she sees with end-of-life clarity, and the rubbish around her ascends with her.
Since 1997, 'Gum-sul' has been conducting various experimental works using dolls and objects. It has steadily continued with small-scaled works and pure creations of less than two people. Gum-sul produces adult genre works to expand the age group of puppet theatre. The group continues to bridge genres, all the while promoting puppetry as a skill rather than a prop.
Directed by Kim Shin Ki
Devised and performed by Song Eunkyoung
Concept by Lee Eun Kyung
14:00-14:30 theSpace @ Symposium Hall, Garden
16:00-16:30 theSpace @ Niddry St, Cobbled Courtyard