Preserving Korean Pictorial Art & the History of Hanji

Korean Arts Online lecture
This is a wonderful opportunity to learn from conservator Dr. Meejung Kim-Marandet (Amorepacific Conservator for Korean Paintings, British Museum) about Korean Pictorial Art and Korean Traditional Paper (Hanji).
This online lecture will be delivered in two sessions. The first will focus on the many forms that Korean paintings can take, such as albums, scrolls, hanging scrolls & folding screens. It will touch on the components of painting and the history of traditional scroll mounting and conservation treatment. This involves how to care for Korean paintings at the British Museum such as examining, conservation and preparing them for the Korean Collection.
The second session will cover the history of the traditional Korean paper – Hanji. This paper also plays an important role in the preservation of Korean paintings. You will learn about its characteristics, the various types of Korean paper that is used and their applications in scroll mounting.
- Date: 7 October, 14 October 7-8pm, Online
- Venue: Free Online Webinar
- How to Apply: This is an online lecture delivered in two sessions, Advance Booking Required.
To book your place, click the 'BOOK now' button in the top right corner of this page. Attendees will be sent the meeting link by email on 7 October. Places will be allocated on a first-come, first-serve basis. You will receive an email confirmation if you have been successful in securing a place.
Please get in touch if you have any questions on 020 7004 2600 or
[This event will be audio and video recorded through Zoom. By attending this event, you are consenting to be recorded]
Photo: Pigment Consolidation © The Trustees of The British Museum
About 'hanji'
Traditional Korean paper, hanji, plays an important role in the preservation of Korean paintings.
About the Speaker
Meejung Kim-Marandet is the Amorepacific Conservator for Korean Paintings at the British Museum. She studied art history at Hong-Ik University, Seoul, and then completed a BA and a MA in Conservation-Restoration of Cultural Property at Paris-1 Pantheon-Sorbonne University. A specialist of hanji paper, she trained in traditional East Asian methods of conservation and remounting at the Hirayama Studio in the Collection Care Department at the British Museum. She first came to the Hirayama Studio as an intern in 2009 before working as a doctoral fellow in 2012. She was then appointed East Asian Paintings Conservator in 2014. In 2018, she received her doctorate at Paris-4 Sorbonne University with a dissertation on the mounting of Joseon-dynasty Korean paintings. She has presented papers on her research at several conferences, notably at the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich (2013), the IIC Hong Kong Congress (2014), the Institut National d'Histoire de l'Art, Paris (2014 and 2016), the Mission Museum of Sankt Ottilien Archabbey, Sankt Ottilien (2018), and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (2019). Her most recent publications include ‘Aux origines de la conservation des peintures coréennes: le constat d’état du Portrait du roi Taejo et sa conservation (1763-1764)’, Support Tracé, 2018, and ‘Mounting literati Paintings: Yi Jeong (1554-1626) as an exceptional case study in Joseon Korea’, Burlington Magazine (upcoming).