Contemporary Korean Silversmithing & Jewellery

The Korean Cultural Centre UK presents Contemporary Korean Silversmithing and Jewellery an exhibition bringing together some of the finest Korean silversmiths and jewellers in the UK. From classic silversmithing to contemporary pieces, the diverse range of their practice reveals the highest quality of craftsmanship and creativity. This is a rare chance to get an overall sense of each of designers oeuvres and directly commission from the maker something special for the Christmas season.
The finest silversmithing craftsmanship is evident in William S. H. Lee's series of Moon Jar. Through the process of raising from one disk of silver, only by hand hammering and ornamented by hammering without addition and reductions, his innovated forms and surface reveals his inspiration from oriental traditional philosophy. Kyosun Jung's high quality craftsmanship is revealed in her signature technique of bending wires and individually soldering them onto the cups to create water patterns. Misun Won's in-depth study in the fractal geometry and Jogakbo (traditional Korean patchwork) plays a key role in creating dynamic structures in her jewellery collection. The characteristic of Heeyoung Kim's jewellery is revealed in her hand crafted work, with modest structures such as straight lines, clean joints with 90 degree angles and small hidden spaces.
Along with these silversmithing and jewellery works, Min Yoo's "Hybrid Creatures" combine different characteristics from various animals thus revealing the sense of humour and wit in contemporary Korean Jewellery. Yunsun Jang's manipulation of surface design by switching the original material with other materials further opens up the discursive possibility in the field of jewellery design.
Power of Process exhibition C/ 159 , Camden High Street
Working In Progress show , Royal College of Art
National University Excellent Graduation Work Exhibition
2010etal art& design Graduation Exhibition, Hongik University
2006 - 2011
Hongik University, Seoul, South Korea
BFA Metal art& design
2013 - 2015
Royal College of Art, London, United Kingdom
MA Jewellery& Metal
Goldsmiths’ Hall Silver Sake Set and Reversible Drinking Set
New Designers, London, UK
Goldsmiths¡ths’ Hall - 2D medal design
Goldsmiths¡ths’ Centre - The British Art Medal Society, Ivory Exploitation
New Designers, London, UK
V & A Museum - Young Designer Silversmith Award, Silver Sake Set
Jangan College, Korea
BA (Hons), Jewellery Design
2011 -
Rochester, UCA
SIERAAD International Jewellery Art Fair, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Goldsmiths£§ Fair 2014 London, UK
Gill Wing Gallery, London, UK
Hallmark Salon 2014,London, UK
Interart Sculpture Garden & Gallery, Netherlands
Dazzle 2013-14, London, UK
Sieraad International Jewellery Art Fair,Amsterdam, Netherlands
Goldsmiths’ Fair 2013, London, UK
Goldsmiths’ Company Pavilion 2013, London, UK
Roger Billcliffe Gallery, Glasgow, UK
Goldsmiths’ Fair 2012, London, UK
Canary Wharf Window Gallery, London, UK
Lesley Craze Gallery, London, UK
New Designers, London, UK
BA Jewellery Design Degree Show, Central St. Martins College of Art and Design, London, UK
Swarovski, In-store Showcase of Competitio+C10:C12n Winners for A/W 10/11 Trend ,London, UK
British Art Medal Society, Exhibition of BAMS Student Medal Project Shortlisted Entries, Cornwall, UK
Central St. Martins College of Art and Design, London, UK
BA(Hons) Jewellery Design
The Goldsmiths’ Company Craftmanship & Design Award, Silversmith senior section, Silver Prize and Council Award
The Goldsmiths’ Company Craftmanship & Design Award, Silversmith senior section, Commended Award
The Goldsmiths’ Company Young Designer Silversmith 1st Prize
Catching the Light ,Dorothy Wightman, Lancashire, UK
Inhorgnta Munich ,Messe Munchen, Munich, Germany
SIERAAD International Jewellery Art Fair, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Make it Slow touring exhibitions (part of Art Unpacked) created by Chrysalis Arts,
North Yorkshire, UK, November 2013- October 2014
MADE LONDON the Design and Craft Fair,One Marylebone, London, UK
Goldsmiths’ Fair, London, UK
Transparenz ,Cebra Galerie, Dusseldorf, Germany
Growing , The National Centre for Craft & Design, Lincolnshire, UK
Growing Talent ,Goldsmiths¡¯ Hall, London
SIERAAD International Jewellery Art Fair (WesterGasfabriek, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Goldsmiths£§ Fair, London, UK
Color is More ,iii-gallery, Brussels, Begium
SOFA New York, Park Avenue Armory, New York, USA
La appariencia solida, de la materis vacia/ The solid appearance of the empty field,
Galeria Dtreea, Sant Cugat del Valles, Spain
Solo Exhibition ,Beyond Fashion, Antwerp, Belgium
Visual Arts Scotland Annual Open Exhibition, The Royal Scottish Academy Upper Galleries, Edinburgh
Christmas Cracker 2011, Byard Art Gallery, Cambridge, UK
Dazzle ,Royal National Theatre, London, UK
SIERAAD International Jewellery Art Fair, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
JOYA Barcelona Contemporary Jewellery Week, FAD Placa dels Angels, Barcelona, Spain
Dazzle ,Assembly George Square Theatre, Edinburgh, UK
Designer Jeweller Group Summer Exhibition ,Barbican Centre, London, UK
Lades Night-Jewellery Event (Byard Art Gallery, Cambridge, UK
Similar Threads (Oriel Mostyn Gallery, Llandudno, UK
Collect , Saatchi Gallery, London, UK, presented by craftscotland
Dazzle,Merchant Square, Glasgow, UK
Showcase ,The Santa Monica Museum of Art, Los Angeles, USA
Dazzle,Royal National Theatre, London, UK
SIERAAD International Jewellery Art Fair, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
SOFA CHICAGO,Navy Pier¡¯s Festival Hall, Chicago, USA, presented by Ornamentum Gallery
Goldsmiths’ Fair, London, UK
Dazzle,Traverse Theatre Atrium, Edinburgh, UK
Summer Showcase ,Platform Gallery, London, UK
Designer Jeweller Group Summer Exhibition ,Barbican Centre, London, UK
Collect, Saatchi Gallery, London, UK, presented by craftscotland
Jewellery of Misun Won & Ulrike Hamm ,Expo Arte, Oslo, Norway
Silver Schools, The Gallery of Art in Legnica, Poland, part of the Legnica Festival SILVER
SOFA New York, Park Avenue Armory, New York, USA, presented by Ornamentum Gallery
Dazzle ,Merchant Square, Glasgow, UK
Spring ,Galerie Sofie Lachaert, Tielrode, Belgium
Coburg Jewellery ,Audalde Gallery, Edinburgh, UK
Black & Gold ,Platform Gallery, Lancashire, UK
Coburg House Jewellers Showcase ,The Harley Gallery, Nottinghamshire, UK
Designer Jewellers Group Christmas Exhibition ,Barbican Centre, London, UK
Gifted ,National Museums of Scotland, Edinburgh, UK
Alchemy 10, The Craft Centre and Design Gallery, Leeds, UK
SOFA CHICAGO, Navy Pier’s Festival Hall, Chicago, USA, presented by Ornamentum Gallery
Lustre (Lakeside Arts Centre, Nottingham, UK)
Origin (Somerset House, London, UK)
Goldsmiths’ Fair, London, UK
Dazzle ,Traverse Theatre Atrium, Edinburgh, UK
The Ring Theory ,Yorkshire Sculpture Park, UK
Showcase ,The gallery tal20, Munich, Germany
Barbican summer exhibition/Coutts London Jewellery Week ,Barbican Centre, London, UK
Blutenzauber- Floral Magic,the Handwerksform Hannover, Hannover, Germany
Emboss,RBSA gallery, Birmingham, UK
Reclaimed,Galanthus Gallery, Hereford, UK
SOFA NEW YORK, Park Avenue Armory, New York, USA, presented by Ornamentum Gallery
Inhorgenta Europe, Special Show Brand New-New Brand ,New Munich Trade Fair Centre, Munich, Germany
New Beginning 09, SDC Gallery, London, UK
Jewellery Showcase ,Open Eye Gallery/Eye Two, Edinburgh, UK
Designer Jewellers Group Christmas Exhibition ,Barbican Centre, London, UK
Christmas Exhibition,Bute Space Gallery and Studios, Cardiff Bay, UK
Lustre ,Lakeside Arts Centre, Nottingham, UK
The Great Northern Contemporary Craft Fair ,The Manchester Grammar School, Manchester, UK
Origin ,Somerset House, London, UK
International Jewellery London Trade Fair,
presented by Goldsmiths’ Craftsmanship & Design Award, Earl‘s Court, London, UK
New Designers, Business Design Centre, London, UK
The Goldsmiths’ Craftsmanship & Design Award ,Goldsmiths’ Hall, London, UK
Design for Science ,The Museum of Science & Industry, Manchester /The Nobel Museum, Stockholm, Sweden
ECA Centenary Masters of Design ,Edinburgh College of Art, Edinburgh, UK
Design for Science ,Sunderland Museum & Winter Garden, Sunderland, UK
Precious Fresh and New ,Edinburgh, UK
Edinburgh College of Art, United Kingdom
MA Jewellery & Silversmithing
Hanyang University, South Korea
BFA Precious Metal Design
SIERAAD International Jewellery Art Fair, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
SIERAAD International Jewellery Art Fair, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Grotesque Genome¡, Mok Space Gallery, London, UK
British-ish, Victoria & Albert Museum, London, UK
New Designers Exhibition, Diana Porter Contemporary Jewellery Gallery, Bristol, UK
New Designers 2011, London, UK
BA Jewellery Design Degree Show at Central St Martins, London,UK
Memento Mori Exhibition, ECOne Gallery, London, UK
Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design
BA (Hons) Jewellery Design
Dongguk University
Sculpture c
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