The 14th K-Pop Academy

The 14th K-Pop Academy
The K-Pop Academy
The ‘K-Pop Academy’ is back for its 14th year, giving K-Pop fans the ultimate opportunity to develop their understanding of the K-Pop phenomenon. On this course both traditional and contemporary aspects of Korean Culture will be explored using a combination of topics including Korea’s history, culture, costume, language and food.
With 30 student places on offer, twice a year the KCCUK runs this 10-week course to provide a hands-on approach to K-Pop education, using various activities and weekly speakers.
Upon the completion of the course K-Pop fans in the UK will have developed a deeper understanding of Korea and Korean culture and from this we hope that their affinity with Korea will last a life time. Have fun, meet like-minded people and discover more about Korean Culture at the K-Pop Academy!