World Design Capital Seoul 2010
World Design Plaza, Designed by Zaha Hadid
Copyright(c) Seoul Metropolitan Government. All Rights Reserved.
□ Duration: 2008.6.20(Fri) ~ 8.2(Sat)
□ Venue: Korean Cultural Centre UK
Ground Floor, Grand Buildings, 1-3 Strand, London WC2N 5EJ
□ Organised by: Seoul Metropolitan Government,
Embassy of the Republic of Korea(Korean Cultural Centre UK)
□ In Association with London Architecture Festival, Design for London,
Totally London, Arts Council
□ Sponsored by Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism
Exhibition in association with the London Festival of Architecture 2008
The London Festival of Architecture 2008 runs from June 20th until July 20th, and is the largest architecture-related festival in the UK. Over the period there will be over 600 events over 5 different 'hubs' throughout the city.
As a part of this festival, Seoul Metropolitan Government, together with the Korean Cultural Centre UK is holding an exhibition with the theme of "U-Design City_Seoul" at the Centre's exhibition hall.
The Korean Cultural Centre is to be transformed, becoming the exhibition as visitors are given a glimpse into the future as Korea prepares for Seoul to become the World Design Capital of 2010. Media tables, Image poles, a scale model of World Design Capital and the annals of history of architecture in Seoul will form the physical aspect of the exhibition, with pictures, projections, videos and more.
Seoul Metropolitan government has detailed the steps for implementation of the “Would Design Capital Seoul in 2010” project, establishing a foundation in 2008; making substantial preparations in 2009; and realising the Dream of the WDC(World Design Capital) in 2010. The World Design Plaza is designed by a renowned Zaha Hadid will be completed in 2010. It aims to become a global design hub by continuing to produce tangible results as the World Design Capital after 2011, through the operation of the World Design Plaza.
Exhibition Contents
- Explanation & Image Panels of World Design City Seoul 2010
- Introduction of architectural model DDP designed by Zaha Hadid
- Architectural history of Seoul for 100 years
- Four visions of the exhibition and the WDC 2010 Seoul
Korean Cultural Centre UK's exhibition, inassociation with London Architectural Festival and in collaboration with Seoul Metropolitan City Government, runs from 20 June to 2 August. The exhibition introduces Seoul's selection as 'World Design Capital 2010' and Seoul's architectural history.
The 'World Design Plaza' is the core building to Seoul's future development as the design centre of the world. These lecture series for July attempts to introduce the vision behind the World Design Plaza by the leading architect and the director of Zaha Hadid Architects, followed by a lecture on the architectural history by occidental architects in Seoul.
- Time: 11 July 2008 (Fri) 19:00-20:00
- Venue: Korean Cultural Centre UK, Multi-purpose Hall
- Title: Visions behind World Design Plaza
- Lecturer: Eddie Can (Zaha Hadid World Design Plaza leading Architect)
- Time: 22 July 2008 (Tues) 18:30-19:30
- Venue: Korean Cultural Centre UK, Multi-purpose Hall
- Title: Occidental Architects & its Architecture in Korea:
Cultural Implantation & itsImpact
- Lecturer: Eonuh Rhee