The central character of the film is Gu-ryeong. Permanently injured as the result of a childhood accident, he endures ceaseless insults and ostracism. This makes for uncomfortable viewing for a contemporary audience, yet Kim does not shy away from the brutal and grotesque side of human nature, embracing it with typical black humour.

In celebration of the centenary of Kim Ki-young’s birth, we present a newly restored version of the film. Unfortunately, only the sound survives from the third and sixth reels. However, the original screenplay has been utilised to provide a textual description. Despite its regrettable incompleteness, Goryeojang stands as a prime example of Kim Ki-young’s unique and bold filmmaking. (CHJ)

Director: Kim Ki-Young

Writer: Kim Ki-Young

Producer: Kim Ki-Young

Cast: Kim Jin-Kyu, Ju Jeung-Ryu, Kim Bo-ae, Kim Dong-Won

Production Company: Korean Arts Film CO., LTD

Rights Holder: Kim Dong-Won

Drama, Epics, Historical / 1963 / 87 min / CERT. 18 / B&W / DCP / Original Format: 35mm

Selected Filmography

Carnivorous Animal (1984)

A Woman After a Killer Butterfly (1978)

Promises (1975)

Insect Woman (1972)

Woman of Fire (1971)

Len's Sonata (1969)

The Sea Knows (1961)

The Housemaid (1960)

Yang San Province (1955)