On 20 July 2024, the Korean Researchers UK (KRUK) in collaboration with the Korean Cultural Centre UK presents <BRITT 2024>, an engaging event for Korean researchers across the UK to explore Korean culture within their respective fields, share experiences, and engage in meaningful exchanges.

| When: Saturday, 20 July 2024

| What Time: 2 PM

| Where: KCCUK, Grand Buildings, 1-3 Strand, London WC2N 5BW

*Due to venue capacity, we kindly ask for your understanding that we can only accommodate 50 participants who register.

What Can You Expect:

| Opening Remarks 2:30pm – 2:50pm

Dr Seunghye Sun | Director, Korean Cultural Centre UK

Dr Miryung Chung | Convocation, University of Oxford

| PART 1 Talks 2:50pm – 3:50pm


- Jin Park | Risk Analyst, Bank of England

- Jeongwon Park | Policy Manager, Amazon Twitch

- Hyunmu Lee | CRM Analyst, The Guardian

- Junho Choi | Software Engineer, Apple

| Social
3:50pm – 4:30pm

This session will create a space for free networking among all participants, including the speakers. Feel free to communicate with researchers and talents from all different sectors, industries, and backgrounds!

| PART 2 Talks
4:30pm – 5:30pm


- Yun-Mi Jung | Private Office, UK Government DSIT

- Yebeen Boo | Real World Evidence Manager, AstraZeneca

- Serin Ha | Journalist, BBC

- Suhyung Park | Software Engineer, Google

* Photographs and videos will be taken during the event and used for marketing purposes. Please contact the organiser if you do not want to be included in these.

** Enquiries: info@koreanresearchers.uk