Drawing the National Flower, Mugunghwa

K - Creative Sessions
As we mark Korean Independence Movement Day (1 March), we are pleased to announce the forthcoming craft event: ‘Drawing the National Flower, Mugunghwa’.
Koreans to Commemorate Mar.1 Independence Movement
Exactly 105 years ago on the first day of March, 1919, the great movement to take back the nation's lost sovereignty took place all across the country. At the time Korea was under the iron-fisted rule of Imperial Japan, forcibly annexed nine years earlier. Korean leaders decided on a peaceful demonstration when U.S. President Woodrow Wilson declared the principle of “self determination” for all peoples. On the big day people rushed to the streets to hail the national independence of Korea as they waved flags and marched. What could've been a peaceful demonstration soon turned into a massacre as the Japanese authorities, caught completely off guard, resorted to extreme measures by either shooting down or beating people to death. Although the demonstration itself was a failure that ended with a terrible cost, the spirit demonstrated during the movement continues to stand as a bright icon of national independence. It also contributed to the establishment of the Korean Provisional Government in Shanghai in the same year, among other things. In October 1949, four years after national liberation, March 1st was officially designated one of the four major national holidays.
The National Flower - Mugunghwa
The mugunghwa, or the rose of Sharon, is an object of deep affection. Meaning “eternal blossom that never fades,” it has been an important symbol of Korean culture for centuries.
Through drawing the National Flower Mugunghwa, this event will explore the historical significance of Korea’s Independence Movement Day and celebrate Korean craft with this family event.
Event Details
- Date: 02 Mar 2024, 1-3pm
- Venue: Korean Cultural Centre UK
- Free admission, RSVP required