A Festival of Korean Dance 2024

A Festival of Korean Dance will return to The Place for its seventh year, and for the first time will tour to Scotland followed by its UK tour in Newcastle, London and Bournemouth with shows that take in the joys of soaring, that explore the impact of social media, and that focus on presenting traditional Asian values and stories in contemporary ways,
“"What a trip!" on Sung Im Her’s W.A.Y (2021) ★★★★”
Kontemporary Korea: Double Bill of K-Dance
WED 16 – FRI 24 MAY 19:30 l Tramway, Dance City, The Place, Pavilion Dance South West
Opening the festival at Tramway on 16 May before touring to Dance City, The Place and Pavilion Dance South West, Kontemporary Korea is a double bill of Flight by Melancholy Dance Company who make their Festival debut, and Tomorrowisnowtodayisyesterday (TiNTiY) by audience favourite Sung Im Her, who returns following last year’s Everything Falls Dramatic and 2021’s W.A.Y (re-work).
Burning Off by 99 Art Company
SAT 25 MAY 19:30 l The Place
Burnt Offering invites us to consider what new rituals we need, what we might pray for, and how we can draw on the traditions of the past. Dancers are caught up in repetitive daily routines, their life burning away without meaning, but when they look up, clouds of incense float into the air, and a dance commences which burns with a noble spirit.
CHEOK by Ae-soon Ahn
FRI 31 MAY – TUE 4 JUNE 19:30 l The Place, The Lowry
Closing the festival with performances at The Place (31 May) and Lowry (4 – 5 June), Cheok by Ae-Soon Ahn uses the Korean word, which is a traditional Asian standard of measurement meaning ‘span of the hand’, to explore personal and individual measurement. Ae-Soon Ahn was formerly the Artistic Director of Korea’s premier company Korea National Contemporary Dance Company, and was the first Korean choreographer invited to choreograph at Chaillot National Theater in France and Liège Theater in Belgium.

Programme events

A Festival of Korean Dance 2024: Ae-Soon Ahn’s CHEOK

A Festival of Korean Dance 2024: Burnt Offering