
KCCUK Library
The library houses a collection of books, serial publications, and electronic resources (DVDs), many of which are available to the public.
You should join the Library membership if you want to borrow books or using the facilities of KCCUK Library. Please remember to bring your card with you when you visit the library and show it on arrival.
Our collection has books both in Korean and English
The majority of the books and materials in our collection focus on Korean traditional and contemporary arts, culture, tourism, history, and language.
- Novels, non- fiction books, books about Korean cinema, art, food, music and history
Korean learning books for language students - Korean Newspapers and Magazines
Korean Movie DVDs
Our Kids collection includes picture books for babies and toddlers in Korean, Korean Folk Tales and Korean Animation on DVD
How to Register
Membership Deposit: £20 (It will be returned upon request, less any fees that have been incurred during the membership). To register your membership, please come in person to the Korean Cultural Centre UK library on a week day and fill out an application form.
To complete your registration, you will need to show one or two of the documents detailed below (where the address has been officially entered by the issuing authority) - one original document (no photocopies, faxes or internet printouts).
If you change your address, name, phone number or email address, please notify us immediately.
- Driving License with address
- Student Card with address
- Passport with proof of address
1) Utility Bill
2) Council Tax Bill/Council Rent Book
3) Bank/Building Society Statement (less than three months)
Library Loan Details - 3 items for 2 weeks
Should you want to extend the loan period, you must give notice to the library in advance and the period can be extended up to 1 week. You can give notice over the telephone or by visiting in person.
Should the books be needed for the operation of the KCCUK Library, the borrowed items should be immediately returned upon request.
Overdue Books
You will not able to borrow any books for the number of days your previous loan was overdue, and during this time your account will be regarded as suspended.
If you have received an email request to return the book(s) your account will be suspended for a minimum 6 months.
Items not returned will be reported as missing and appropriate compensation measures will be followed. All costs incurred by the KCCUK due to items being lost or damaged whilst in your care must be reimbursed to the KCCUK in full, failure to cover these costs will result in the retention of the membership Deposit and a cancellation of the Library Membership.