The 13th K-Pop Academy

The 13th K-Pop Academy
The K-Pop Academy
Since 2012 the ‘K-Pop Academy’ has given K-Pop fans a firm grounding in the development of the K-Pop phenomenon as well as an introduction to many interesting topics including Korea’s history, culture, costume, language and food.
Running twice a year, with 30 students each term this 10-week course features a special guest speaker each week. The course provides opportunities for a hands-on approach where the students participate in various activities, and explore both the traditional and contemporary aspects of Korean culture.
Upon the completion of the course K-Pop fans in the UK will have developed a deeper understanding of Korea and Korean culture and from this we hope that their affinity with Korea will last a life time. The K-Pop Academy is a great opportunity to discover more about Korean culture meet like-minded individuals, and most of all, have fun!
[The 13th K-Pop Academy] Application Window Now Open!
▶Date: 24 February – 5 May (10 weeks)
▶Time: Every Saturday afternoon
▶Venues: Korean Cultural Centre UK and various offsite venues
▶Tuition Fee: Free
- You must be 16 or over
- You must not have previously participated in the K-Pop Academy
- You must have a keen interest in Korea and Korean culture
Tel: 020 7004 2600 / Email:
▶ Student selection is completed using a lottery-based system. However, students’ eligibility will be examined first, and those who are not eligible will not be included in the lottery selection. e.g. aged under 16 years old, those who have participated in the programme in the past, incomplete application etc.
▶ Once the computer software has selected the applicants at random the chosen names will be announced on our website and contacted individually by email. Then, the computer software will again draft, at random, a waiting list from the remaining applicants. Should any applicants cancel, their place will be offered to the first person on the waiting list and so on.