This summer, the Korean Cultural Centre UK (KCCUK) brings the vibrant energy of Korean culture to cities across the UK with a series of exciting ‘Korea Day’ festivals. Partnering with local universities, these events have been a highlight of the KCCUK's cultural calendar since 2018. Each ‘Korea Day’ offers a chance for students and citizens to experience the dynamic blend of tradition and contemporary Korean culture.

Korea Days across the UK this June

Korea Day in Liverpool

On 1st June, the University of Liverpool's Mountford Hall will host the city’s inaugural ‘Korea Day.’ This exciting event celebrates the cultural exchange between Korean and British popular music, a perfect fit for Liverpool, a UNESCO City of Music and the birthplace of British pop. The event will also include insightful lectures and industry talks exploring the global and local success of the Korean Wave (Hallyu).

Korea Day in Oxford

With an academic theme, ‘Korea Day’ will visit Oxford on June 8th. A roundtable discussion with students will follow on from a lecture that will feature 4 prominent speakers, Dr. Seunghye Sun (Director, Korean Cultural Centre UK), Dr. Jieun Kiaer (University of Oxford), Jung Gyun Wang (Head of the London Branch of the Bank of Korea), Jongsoon Kim (Founder of Korean Restaurant Franchise YORI).

Korea Day in Leeds

Under the theme of ‘Korean Music & Community Wellbeing’, ‘Korea Day’ will visit Leeds for the first time this June. The event will be held over 2 days, with performances of traditional Korean music (Joseon Punglyu Jeong) and K-hip-hop (James An) who are professional performances and rapper coming all the way from Korea. The event will also include a series of workshops on traditional Korean music, K-POP, Korean culture, and language.

Korea Day in Sheffield

The University of Sheffield, with a long-standing tradition in Korean studies, successfully hosted the first ‘Korea Day’ festival of this year on May 1st. Attracting more than 400 visitors, this festival offered a variety of cultural experiences, including Hanbok (traditional Korean dress), Seoye (traditional Korean calligraphy), Hansik (Korean cuisine), and traditional Korean music.

2024 ‘Korea Day’ Dates:

Korea Day in Sheffield: 1 May, The Octagon Centre, University of Sheffield

Korea Day in Liverpool: 1 June, 11:00-17:00, Mountford Hall, University of Liverpool

Korea Day in Oxford: 8 June, 14:00-19:00, Fitzhugh Auditorium, University of Oxford

Korea Day in Leeds: 13-14 June, School of Music, University of Leeds

Director of KCCUK, Seunghye Sun said :

“I am delighted that Korean culture can contribute to the cultural diversity of local communities in the United Kingdom. Culture is the connecting link that takes a new step towards friendship. Our new future will be created together by Korea and the United Kingdom.”